The health of students and employees and their promotion in everyday university life is an important topic for university sports.
We show this not only by offering numerous special health sports courses, but also by actively participating in university health promotion. We are a member of the university health project "rundum gesund (healthy all around) ..." and lead one of nine working groups in this project. More information about the project at: www.uni-jena.de/rundum_gesundExternal link
In the next step, we would like to initiate such a health project for the students as well. A sub-project is already underway in the context of a major health campaign of our umbrella association (adh). With the support of the health insurance Techniker Krankenkasse, a student project team under the guidance of an employee of the university sport (Sven Jaekel) develops a video-supported project for an active break-time activity. The pilot phase starts in winter semester 2018/19, and we plan to introduce it to the university in spring 2019.