All courses are offered through the USV Jena
There are courses of university sports and courses of the USV Jena
The registration is for all courses exclusively online, the payment by direct debit, in which the registration is approved. Course booking via the Internet constitutes a binding registration and requires the knowledge and acceptance of the following conditions of participation. A cash payment of the course fee in the office is not possible!
Start of registration
- Lecture-free time: 1 week before the beginning of the respective period, on Mondays from 8 am. The program will be online for visiting about three days before the start of the booking.
- Summer or winter semester: 2 weeks before the beginning of the respective period, on Mondays from 8 am (graduated according to sports). The sports program is usually put online for visiting one week before the start of the booking.
Please see our homepage for changes.
Students, staff, alumni and trainees of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the University Hospital Jena, the Ernst Abbe University Jena, the Student Union Thuringia, and USV members. Students from other Thuringian universities can take part at the student rate.
Interested volunteers of the Federal Volunteers Service (BFD) and apprentices of the Friedrich Schiller University and the Ernst Abbe University Jena, please get the registration number before registration via hochschulsport.hilfe@uni-jena.de with required ID (apprentices, BFD or student ID).
USV members have the opportunity to participate at the university sports courses for student rates. To register, a booking number is required. Club members receive them at Denise Alkewitz (denise.alkewitz@usvjena.de or phone: 03641/94564).
The JenAlumni of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena can participate in the sports courses of the university sports at the employee rate. For assigning a booking number, please contact the university's service office: hochschulsport.hilfe@uni-jena.de. The registration for the alumni network of FSU Jena takes place External linkhere.
Also, externals (e.g. population of Jena) have the possibility to participate in the courses when capacities are available. A booking number is not required.
The booking process is identical to that for students. Please just select the appropriate field (status).
Resignation | cancellation
Cancellation of booked courses is not possible. There is no repayment of fees.
If you do not participate in the course, the amount counts as a donation for sports. For the camps of the university sports, separate cancellation regulations apply.
Cancellation in case of illness
In exceptional cases, a booking may be canceled if an injury prevents participation in the course. For this purpose, within the first three weeks of the course, a report must be sent to the university sports department and a medical certificate must be submitted stating that the participation in the course is not possible. For the remittance of the course fee, a processing fee of 5.00 euro will be charged. This regulation does not apply for the camps of university sports.
Rebooking to other courses is generally not possible. If you are still interested in changing course, contact the service office: hochschulsport.hilfe@uni-jena.de. If there are free capacities, we will try to accommodate your request.
All students and employees of the Thuringian universities are insured by the Unfallkasse Thüringen (UKT) according to SGB VII under certain conditions. More information and corresponding forms can be found under "Insurance". Students from other universities must inform themselves about the insurance cover for participation in the university sports of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Exclusion from university sports
Registration for a course is always binding and obligatory for payment of the course fee. A revocation of the direct debit procedure is for this reason not permitted. Should it nevertheless be made or the course fee be returned for other reasons (giving false account information, non-coverage of the account), the University reserves the right to exclude the person concerned from the university sports. The chargeback fee of the bank will be charged in any case. In addition, a processing fee of up to 6.00 euro can be charged.
Course cancellation by the university sports
The university sports can combine offers or cancel altogether if e.g. the required minimum number of participants is not reached. Course fees already paid are reimbursed in full.
Privacy Policy
All data of the registration will be stored automatically. By registering, you agree that the data may be used for creating participant lists and communicating with participants. Photos, film and video recordings by the organizer or agent can be used without claim.
Important information about the cancellation of camps
- You can withdraw from the trip at any time prior to departure. The receipt of the declaration of cancellation, which has to be made in writing, is important. We recommend travel cancellation insurance.
- If for some reason you cannot start the journey or the course, we are entitled to demand compensation for travel arrangements and expenses.
- The payment of the camps takes place according to the respective course conditions. In the case of cancellation, we can demand compensation, which is calculated according to the following percentages per person from the travel price or the service:
- Up to 60 days before departure: 20%
- up to 30 days before departure: 30%
- until 22 days before departure: 50%
- up to 8 days before departure: 80%
- from 7 days before departure: 90%
- from 1 day before departure or non-arrival: 95%
In any case, a processing fee of 25.00 euro is to be paid.
- You have the opportunity to place a substitute participant. However, this substitute person must send us a written confirmation of registration together with the obligation to pay the costs. A fee of 25.00 euro is to be paid in any case. Additional costs, resulting from the transfer, cancellation costs and all other expenses are charged to the customer.
- It is up to you to prove that no or less costs have been incurred in connection with the cancellation of travel than the costs stated by us. The cancellation fee is in any case at least 25.00 euro. The cancellation fees also apply in the event that the traveler is prevented from attending because of missing travel documents.
- Important insurance information:
The insurance of the Landesunfallkasse Thüringen applies exclusively to students at universities in Thuringia, but only to a limited extent. Both employees and external participants are insured at the camps by insurance from the Landesportbund. Students from universities outside of Thuringia have to insure themselves. We therefore urge all participants an additional private travel insurance.
More information and the corresponding forms can be found under "Insurance cover".
ATTENTION: The practice of outdoor sports can be associated with health risks – exercises are at your own risk!