two women playing cards
watermark — vertical, differently transparent stripes form a teardrop shape, the tip of which points to the bottom left

Get involved: Join in!

Become part of the SGM team and contribute your strengths.
two women playing cards
Image: Thomas Fritsche

We at the ‘Student Health Management’ project are committed to promoting your health for and with you. Students from all disciplines are not only our target group, but also experts for our SGM project. Together with you, we want to come up with new ideas, develop them and put them into practice—we are looking forward to many joint activities!

You can reach us at:  —We look forward to your email!

  • health ambassador

    We are looking for you! Become a HEALTH AMBASSADOR and join us in advocating for student health and well-being at the University of Jena!

    Would you like to promote health measures together with us? Then become an SGM HEALTH AMBASSADOR!

    Your tasks as health ambassador:

    • help us in raising awareness for SGM on the campus, in the lecture theatres and seminar rooms and in digital events
    • support us in our health activities
    • put your own project idea into practice

    This is how you become a health ambassador:

    Send an email to, briefly tell us who you are and why you want to become a health ambassador, and don’t forget to include your contact information.

    Why is it worth becoming a health ambassador?

    As students, you are the experts for your social environment. Student Health Management can only be shaped with your cooperation. As a health ambassador, you have the chance to actively take part in that and become part of a great team!

  • course/workshop instructor

    HereExternal link you can find information about the current course leaders and courses. Please contact us if you would like to offer your own courses.

  • intern

    We are currently not looking for interns. You can find our internship announcement hier [PDF, 99 KB]pdf, 100 kb · de 

  • writing your degree thesis
    Annabell Friedrich
    Annabell Friedrich
    Image: Annabell Thieme

    Annabell Thieme (Abschlussarbeit)
    B.Sc. Psychologie
    Studentin im Studiengang M.Sc. Psychologie in Arbeit, Bildung und Gesellschaft

    "Ich studiere zur Zeit im Master Psychologie an der Uni Jena und schreibe meine Masterarbeit im Bereich des Studentischen Gesundheitsmanagements. Meinen Fokus lege ich auf eine ausgewogene und gesunde Work(-Study)-Life-Balance für Studierende mit Kind. Ich selbst habe nun schon seit gut einem Jahr ein Kind und meistere jeden Tag den Spagat zwischen Uni, Arbeit, Freizeit und Familie. Ich möchte die Bedingungen für Studierende (und andere Fokusgruppen) mit Kind an unserer Universität herausfinden, analysieren und nachhaltig verbessern."

  • in cooperation with university courses on the topic of health (e.g. project seminars)

    If you see opportunities to cooperate with one of your university seminars and us, please feel free to contact us at any time:  

Here, you can find more ideas of how to get involved and ‘join in’!

Jennifer Graf

Image: Julia Storch


Ich bin Jen und habe mein Pflichtpraktikum im SGM absolviert. Dabei konnte ich in verschiedenen Themen mitwirken, u.a. bei der Gestaltung des "adh-Hochschullauf digital & Uni Jena Fotochallenge" und dem Podcast "Campusgespräch".

Pia Hofmann

Image: Pia Hofmann


Ich bin Pia und habe das SGM ehrenamtlich im Bereich ergonomische Arbeitsplatzgestaltung unterstützt. Während meines Sportstudiums war die Arbeit im SGM der perfekte Einstieg in das praktische Arbeiten. 

Iris Wailersbacher

Image: Iris Wailersbacher


Ich bin Iris und habe mich in meinem Praktikum besonders mit Gesundheitskommunikation und Social Media beschäftigt.