Und Ihr so?
watermark — vertical, differently transparent stripes form a teardrop shape, the tip of which points to the bottom left

Your Guide for healthy studying

How are you doing during and after the ‘Corona semester(s)’? You are already juggling a wide variety of topics at the same time during your studies - and now you have to deal with completely new challenges on top of that.
Und Ihr so?
Image: Thomas Fritsche

On these pages we offer you a small ‘aid package’ on various topics that might be on your mind—with or without the Corona crisis.

From the bed to the desk and back? How and where to get in more steps. From intense workouts to something more relaxing, physical activities are also possible in times of Corona. We have some suggestions for you here:
Nutrion Workshop
...here, you are given tools for a healthy diet and can cook along with us.
Hinweise und Tipps, um einen kühlen, entspannten Kopf zu bewahren. Im „Corona-Semester“ (und darüber hinaus) einen entspannten Umgang mit Gedanken, Gefühlen und sozialem Miteinander finden? Das geht – auch, wenn der Weg manchmal ziemlich steinig erscheint. ​